Go "green," as in golfing green or the green turquoise waters of Anna Maria. You get to decide whether you go out your back door to experience one or your front door to experience the other in this newly renovated home on just over a quarter acre with views of each. For virtual viewings go here: https://listing.thehoverbureau.com/ut/209_South_Bay_Blvd.html. This home is one of the amazing and prosperous vacation properties that are part of the Gulf Coast Collection of Serendipity Anna Maria named, Sand Trap. A smart and convenient floor plan located on one floor that is serviced by both an elevator and stairs, you’ll find your peace and tranquility with ease and enjoy the treasured views that you’ve come to the island for. Further, the location is just five properties south of The Waterfront Restaurant and a handful of feet from there to the Anna Maria Pier or our famously named “The Greenest Little Main Street in America,” Pine Avenue. Rental income and details provided upon request.